Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association's Success Story

Rapid response restored core systems and built a stronger, cost-effective security framework after a severe cyberattack.

In the summer of 2023 critical cybersecurity breach occurred at the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) putting a halt to operations during the height of rodeo season. All in Technology (AiT) was contacted to block the attack, restore systems and strengthen security.

PRCA faced multiple critical challenges: an active cybersecurity breach with an unresponsive MSP, compromised infrastructure requiring immediate remediation, systemic security vulnerabilities across their IT ecosystem, and the need for enhanced protection without significantly increasing t echnology spending.

AiT delivered a multi-phase response by first deploying cross-timezone incident response teams that were able to get PRCA running again within 72 hours of the attack being noticed. Then implemented comprehensive security improvements including NextGen Firewall and Microsoft Defender, and finally has established ongoing protection through 24/7/365 SOC services—all while achieving cost savings through strategic Microsoft licensing optimization

Business Outcomes

  • By rapidly deploying expert resources and implementing proven incident response protocols, AiT restored PRCA’s critical business systems within 72 hours, minimizing operational and financial impact during a cybersecurity crisis. properties.

  • Through comprehensive security upgrades including NextGen Firewall deployment and 24/7 SOC monitoring, AIT transformed PRCA’s vulnerability into an opportunity to build a robust defense against future cyber threats.

  • Strategic optimization of Microsoft licensing uncovered substantial cost savings, enabling PRCA to fund advanced security measures and continuous monitoring without increasing their technology budget.

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